Now that we're well into the semester, here’s a quick ministry recap. Through your support this semester, IFM has been able to serve 223 unique students from 44 different countries! In partnership with local churches, we have also led trips to Myrtle Beach, St. Matthews and the Smoky Mountains. IFM’s regular Friday Dinner and Program has been well attended, averaging 41 internationals every Friday. Many guests return week after week, enjoying the company of our faithful volunteers and the food provided by our partner churches. In addition, special events have taken place at First Presbyterian Church, 1600 Park Circle, and our office; the best-attended events brought over 100 internationals!
Though Hurricane Helene caused us to reschedule IFM's annual event at Sandhills Church, it gave us a sweet chance to connect with and provide for many students who were out of power. Volunteer leaders at Sandhills helped us pivot back to our regular gathering at Columbia Evangelical Church, supplying dinner (and phone charging!) both Friday and Saturday evenings for over 40 students.
Please be praying over IFM's upcoming Thanksgiving Dinner at First Baptist Church (Nov 22); pray that many students will genuinely connect with American Christians and start lasting relationships. Big events like these bring many students who do not regularly attend every week, so this may be one of the only chances for these students to be in a church and have conversations with our volunteers in an intentional setting. If you would like to help make the Nov 22 celebration a great connection point with internationals, please sign up at